My grandmother said if I finally lost some weight I could be so pretty. Could be? I haven't recently thought of myself as unattractive. I mean sure I'm fat, but why does that have to be unattractive? And why does fat have to be such a bad word? FAT, FAT, FAT!
My life has always had these side notes from family, kids at school, friends, even random strangers about how I am too big, or how someone else is too big, gross, or ugly. Do you know that person? How smart they are? How kind? Creative? Fun?

Someone once said to me "Fat people don't have sex!". I told him fat people have sex, loud, kinky, dirty sex. Where do people get the idea fat people don't have sex? Yes, once you weigh over 190 you can no longer fuck. Just because I weigh 265 pounds doesn't mean my libido shuts off, or I can't have an orgasm.
For several years I have decided against buying anything in stores who don't carry even a shirt that would fit me. This cuts shopping options down quite a bit. I also prefer to not shop in stores with a "plus sized" section. These sections, most times, contain shapeless tubes of material they try to call dresses and several colors of t-shirts. So I am allowed to wear a mumu, jeans, and solid color t-shirts. I don't think so. Wake-up fashion industry! Just because you are not comfortable with my body doesn't mean that I am not and that I don't want to look good. I want to walk into a womens clothing section and find an xxl in every style. I want stores that I can buy more than accessories in. I want to buy a size 22 jean from Old Navy, Lane Bryant, or Torrid. I would like to support local independent sellers, but you indie sellers are in the same small boat as most chains, many times you are lucky to find an xl, let alone a double, or triple x. I've also decided that if stores wont provide me with what I want I will have to make it myself. I have picked up my first simple dress pattern and some navy material. If it goes semi well and I like it, I will start making my own clothes that would fit both my size and my politics.
Of course I'm not saying people should laze around on the couch in front of the TV eating cheese puffs and drinking cola all day because being fat is okay. Not one bit. I'm a believer in eating healthy and exercising. I've made the decision to eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis. Not for the purpose of changing my body, but being healthier and happier.
Joy Nash's video "A Fat Rant" is wonderful. She hits everything on the ball, some of the things I said and more.
Actual post date-
Saturday, February 23, 2008
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