Story in the News Tribune
Jamie was telling me about what went on in the art room, which faces the circle and main door of the school. She said some of the kids saw the police pull up and get out of their cars with big machine like guns. She also said the Art teacher was really good and answered a few questions telling the kids the police were there to keep the school safe, and then continued with the art lesson.
Jamie and I waited for our next GS time and talked about the happenings, like how did they know it was a bogus call...though this is when we thought it was a threat call. We both felt a little shaky.
I've been feeling pretty angry about it. Nettleton is such a good school, with all it's emphasis on peace. It just bothers me that because a kid fucked up that safe space may not feel as safe for some of the kids. I know some of those kids have icky home situations and I just hate to think that a place they think of as safe, now seems less so. Maybe kids don't see it that way though. The school seemed to be handling it really well, Of course they are, Steph Heilig is the principal.
One of the after school GS was telling me about how she was on the playground when it happened and a police officer was on the other side of the fence with a big gun telling the kids to move to one end. Also, big guns, scare me. I know it was the police and they were doing their job and doing it very well, but what a way to be scary.
I guess I am just feeling very anti-violence and anti-gun right now. More than usual, even though no one was hurt, to a new extreme. Maybe I am still a little shaken.

On a good note for yesterday between the morning events and afternoon Girl Scouts I found The Reader Weekly and one of the after school GS was on the cover. I felt like the picture fit with how I was feeling about the day.